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Configuration Basics

At its core, Espanso uses YAML files to manage its configuration. This has many advantages, such as the ability to easily sync your configurations between machines using Git or cloud services such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

What about a GUI?

We are currently evaluating the best option to create an optional GUI on top of the regular file-based experience, which should greatly simplify basic use-cases. If you are interested, make sure to follow me on Twitter to stay updated about the latest news!


All Espanso's configurations reside in a folder called espanso, whose location varies based on your operating system.

A quick way to find the path to your configuration folder is by running the following command inside a terminal:

espanso path
Default locations

If you can't run the previous command for whatever reason, these are the default directories in which Espanso creates its configuration, based on the operating system:

  • Linux: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/espanso (e.g. /home/$USER/.config/espanso)
  • macOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/espanso (e.g. /Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/espanso)
  • Windows: %AppData%\espanso (e.g. C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\espanso)

Keep in mind that these locations might be different in your case, especially if you are coming from a legacy version.

By default, the espanso directory contains a few files and directories, structured as follows:


As you can see, we have two folders at the top level, config and match, each containing some YAML files. The rationale behind them is explained in the following sections.

The config directory

The config directory defines HOW Espanso should perform its expansions and behave. By changing the YAML files contained in this folder, you can tune all the Espanso's options, such as expansion speed, UI shortcuts and many other settings.

You can think of these YAML files as profiles. Each of these files defines a configuration, as well as the conditions that must be satisfied for the configuration to be active. Only one configuration can be active at any given time.

The most important configuration contained in the config directory is the default.yml file, which defines the default configuration that should be used when none of the others is active, as well as acting as the "base" profile from which the others derive.

This mechanism becomes useful when you need to customize how Espanso behaves in a particular application. For example, you might want to disable Espanso when using Word, or slow it down when inside Chrome. For more information, please check out the App-specific configurations section.

If you only need Espanso for basic use-cases, the default.yml file is where you should tune the various options.

The match directory

The match directory defines WHAT Espanso should do. It contains all the snippet definitions (aka. matches), as well as global variables.

If you only need Espanso for basic use-cases, the base.yml file is where you should put all your snippets.

If you are interested, the match folder is explained in-depth in the Organizing matches section.

Editing CLI shortcut

Espanso ships with the edit subcommand, which makes editing configuration files more convenient. Let's see how it works:

If you open a terminal and type:

espanso edit

the default system editor (Notepad on Windows and Nano on Unix systems) will be spawned to edit the match/base.yml file.

Customizing the editor

If you want to use another editor, you can change the EDITOR (or VISUAL) environment variable to the path of your desired editor.

Linux/macOS example:


Windows example:

An example for Windows users of environment variable being displayed in "Edit User Variable" window

Editing other configuration files

If you invoke espanso edit without further arguments, it will open the match/base.yml file. But what if you want to edit other files located in the match or config directories, you can do so by specifying the relative path.

For example, if you want to edit the match/emails.yml file, you can run:

espanso edit match/emails.yml 

or if you want to edit the config/default.yml file, you can run:

espanso edit config/default.yml

For convenience, you can also specify the file-name only, without the path or .yml extension, and Espanso will figure it out. So:

espanso edit emails

is likely to open match/emails.yml.


The author of the project

Hi! I'm Federico, the creator of espanso. If you liked the project, please consider making a small donation, it really helps :)

Also, if you are looking to create educational videos such as tutorials, courses, and product demos, you might enjoy my latest project, Borumi.

A special thanks goes to all the wonderful people who supported espanso along the way

Together, we will make espanso the first universal text expander, open to everyone.


Espanso is open source and hosted on GitHub.


If you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue on GitHub.