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Version: v2.2.1


In this guide, we are going to discuss the available options to customize Espanso. The first few sections are about the common parameters you might want to change, but you'll also find a complete reference at the bottom for the advanced ones.

Customizing the Toggle Key

If you often need to quickly enable and disable Espanso during regular use, you might want to customize the Toggle Key. When double pressed, the Toggle Key disables Espanso, preventing any expansion. Double-pressing Alt again will re-enable it.

Changes in version 2.1.2

Prior to version 2.1.2, Espanso was configured to use the ALT key as toggle_key by default. That was a major source of confusion, as many users accidentally pressed it during normal use. For this reason, Espanso now ships with the toggle_key disabled by default.

If you'd like to customize the key, simply add the toggle_key parameter to your $CONFIG/config/default.yml configuration and set it to one of the available options:


For example, if you want to use the Right Control key to toggle Espanso, you can add the following to your configuration:

toggle_key: RIGHT_CTRL
About the META key

The META option refers to different keys depending on the platform. For example, on macOS the META refers to Command (or CMD), while on Windows refers to the "Win" key.

In other words, if you'd like to use the CMD key on macOS, you should specify META.

And if you'd rather turn it off, you can do so with:

toggle_key: OFF

The Search bar is one of the most useful features, letting you choose the right snippet without having to remember the trigger.

By default, the search bar can be opened in two ways:

  • By pressing ALT+Space (Option + Space on macOS)
  • By clicking on the status icon and then selecting "Open Search bar" (currently not available on Linux)

If for whatever reason you don't like the default shortcuts, you can customize them as follows:

Customizing the search shortcut

If you don't like the default Alt+Space shortcut, you can change it by adding the following line to your $CONFIG/config/default.yml file:

search_shortcut: ALT+SHIFT+SPACE

As you can see, the shortcut is defined by specifying all keys separated by a plus sign. These are the supported keys:

ALT, CTRL, CMD, SHIFT, ENTER, TAB, SPACE, META, OPTION, INSERT, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, END, HOME, PAGEDOWN, PAGEUP, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, F16, F17, F18, F19, F20, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, NUMPAD0, NUMPAD1, NUMPAD2, NUMPAD3, NUMPAD4, NUMPAD5, NUMPAD6, NUMPAD7, NUMPAD8, NUMPAD9

Not all keyboard combinations have been tested. If you find a combination that's not working, please open a bug report on GitHub. Thanks!

You can also disable this shortcut entirely by adding the following line:

search_shortcut: off

Customizing the search trigger

The search bar can also be configured to be shown after typing a trigger. For example, you might tune it to be displayed after typing .search by adding this option:

search_trigger: ".search"

Or disable it entirely with:

search_trigger: off

Hiding the Icon

You can hide the Espanso status icon on the macOS menu bar or the Windows system tray by adding the following option to your $CONFIG/config/default.yml file:

show_icon: false

Hiding the Notifications

You can hide the notifications by adding the following option to your $CONFIG/config/default.yml config:

show_notifications: false

Options reference

Here's a list of all the available options. If the value of the App-specific column is Yes, then the option can be used inside an App-specific configuration. Otherwise, the option can only be defined inside the $CONFIG/config/default.yml file.

OptionDescriptionPossible ValuesDefaultApp-Specific
auto_restartIf true, instructs the daemon process to restart the worker (and refresh the configuration) after a configuration file change is detected on disk.true/falsetrueNo
backspace_limitHow many backspace espanso tracks to correct misspelled keywordsMaximum number of backspace presses espanso keeps track of. For example, this is needed to correctly expand even if typos are typed.number5No
keyboard_layoutOn Wayland, overrides the auto-detected keyboard configuration (RMLVO) which is used both for the detection and injection process.An object with fields: rules, model, layout, variant and options{ layout: us }No
preserve_clipboardIf true, Espanso will attempt to preserve the previous clipboard content after an expansion has taken place.true/falsetrueNo
search_shortcutHotkey used to show the Search UI.See the Customizing the Search bar sectionALT+SpaceNo
search_triggerTrigger used to show the Search UI.See the Customizing the Search bar sectionoffNo
show_iconIf false, avoid showing the espanso icon on the system's tray bar. Note: currently not working on Linux.true/falsetrueNo
show_notificationsIf false, disable all notifications.true/falsetrueNo
toggle_keyDefines the key that disables/enables espanso when double pressed.See the customizing the Toggle Key sectionOFFNo
If true, filter out keyboard events without an explicit HID device source on Windows. This is needed to filter out the software-generated events, including those from Espanso, but might need to be disabled when using some software-level keyboards. Disabling this option might conflict with the undo feature.true/falsetrueNo
The maximum interval (in milliseconds) for which a keyboard layout can be cached. If switching often between different layouts, you could lower this amount to avoid the "lost detection" effect described in this issue: of milliseconds2000No
word_separatorsChars that when pressed mark the start and end of a word. Examples of this are . or ,A sequence of strings[" ", ",", ".", "?", "!", "\r", "\n", "\t", "'", "\"", "\x0c", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<", ">", ":", ";"]No
undo_backspaceWhen enabled, espanso automatically "reverts" an expansion if the user presses the Backspace key afterwards. This is not available on some platform/configurations.true/falsetrueNo
apply_patchIf false, avoid applying the built-in patches to the current config.true/falsetrueYes
backendThe mechanism used to perform the injection. Espanso can either inject text by simulating keypresses (Inject backend) or by using the clipboard (Clipboard backend). Both of them have pros and cons, so the Auto backend is used by default to automatically choose the most appropriate one based on the situation. If for whatever reason the Auto backend is not appropriate, you can change this option to override it.clipboard, inject or autoautoYes
clipboard_thresholdNumber of chars after which a match is injected with the clipboard backend instead of the default one. This is done for efficiency reasons, as injecting a long match through separate events becomes slow for long strings. This is only relevant if the backend is set to Auto.number100Yes
NOTE: This is only relevant on Linux under X11 environments. Switch to a slower (but sometimes more supported) way of injecting key events based on XTestFakeKeyEvent instead of XSendEvent. From my experiements, disabling fast inject becomes particularly slow when using the Gnome desktop environment.true/falsefalseYes
emulate_alt_codesRestores ALT-code functionality to Windows.true/falsefalseYes
enableIf false, Espanso will be disabled for the current configuration. This option can be used to selectively disable espanso when using a specific application (by creating an app-specific config).true/falsetrueYes
evdev_modifier_delayExtra delay to apply when injecting modifiers under the EVDEV backend (Wayland). This is useful on Wayland if espanso is injecting seemingly random cased letters, for example "Hi theRE1" instead of "Hi there!". Increase if necessary, decrease to speed up the injection.number of milliseconds10Yes (but on Wayland there is currently no support for App-specific configs)
inject_delayNumber of milliseconds between text injection events. Increase if the target application is missing some characters.number of millisecondsBetween 0 and 1, depending on the platform and application.Yes
key_delayNumber of milliseconds between key injection events. Increase if the target application is missing some key events. For example, increasing might help if the trigger is not deleted completely.number of millisecondsBetween 0 and 1, depending on platform and applicationYes
Number of milliseconds between keystrokes when simulating the Paste shortcut. For example: CTRL + (wait 5ms) + V + (wait 5ms) + release V + (wait 5ms) + release CTRL. This is needed as sometimes (for example on macOS), without a delay some keystrokes were not registered correctly.number of milliseconds10Yes
paste_shortcutCustomize the keyboard shortcut used to paste an expansion. This should follow this format: CTRL+SHIFT+V.Keys separated by the + plus sign. The available keys are defined hereUsually CTRL+V, but many built-in patches change this behaviorYes
post_form_delayDelay (in ms) returning text after closing a form, to allow the target application regain focus.number of milliseconds200Yes
post_search_delayDelay (in ms) returning text after the search bar has closed, to allow the target application regain focus.number of milliseconds200Yes
pre_paste_delayDelay (in ms) that espanso should wait to trigger the paste shortcut after copying the content in the clipboard. This is needed because if we trigger a "paste" shortcut before the content is actually copied in the clipboard, the operation will fail. If you see previous contents of the clipboard being inserted instead of the correct replacement, increase this value.number of milliseconds300Yes
The number of milliseconds to wait before restoring the previous clipboard content after an expansion. This is needed as without this delay, sometimes the target application detects the previous clipboard content instead of the expansion content.number of milliseconds300Yes
x11_use_xclip_backendIf true, use the xclip command to implement the clipboard instead of the built-in native module on X11. You'll need to install the xclip command. Enable if the clipboard "get stuck" for some applications on Linux.true/falsefalseYes
If true, use the xdotool command to implement the clipboard.true/falsefalseYes


The author of the project

Hi! I'm Federico, the creator of espanso. If you liked the project, please consider making a small donation, it really helps :)

Also, if you are looking to create educational videos such as tutorials, courses, and product demos, you might enjoy my latest project, Borumi.

A special thanks goes to all the wonderful people who supported espanso along the way

Together, we will make espanso the first universal text expander, open to everyone.


Espanso is open source and hosted on GitHub.


If you find a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue on GitHub.